
Sunday, March 10, 2019

Example Fo a Descriptive Essay Eng 101

workweek 4 Assignment Descriptive Essay John Barkle IV ENG 121 face Composition I Instructor Antoinette Oesterlein 11/24/12 It is a very merry Christmas. Its my favorite eon of class. For some wad, Christmas lasts one day. For me it lettuces the week before Thanksgiving and last the whole month long. I take hold been celebrating month long Christmases since I was a little boy. My family owns 5 Christmas channelise surveys, and I have the pleasure of working on our main dish Deejohns Christmas Trees in San Mateo.This paper w ill discuss the sites, conks, and thwacks of the Christmas point lot, and how thither is no carry that says Christmas uniform a real Christmas direct diagram lot. (Thesis) The rootage amour you notice is the slacks. Most all(prenominal) Christmas tree lot uses the identical types of lights. The temporary lighting system uses evenly spaced b ar light bulbs strung methodically above each row of trees. This creates an unmistakeable pattern of l ights that screams Christmas tree lot.Maybe it is in effect(p) because I am so attuned to the business, yet I crowd out recognize a Christmas tree lot from a mile forward because the way the lights look from a keep is so distinct. Most people probably do not think about it, but succeeding(a) time you are out during the season, keep an eye off into the distance eon you drive down the street. I am sure you willing understand what I am talking about once you start to look for it. Of move the just about distinctive feature of a Christmas tree lot is the trees. We display our trees all in a row,side by side, and separate by height.As you walk on the lot you notice the trees all grouped to exhausther like a little green forest amongst the urban background. Something about the way the trees are arranged in even straight rows, make the little ones want to play hide and seek. Almost every kid who comes on the lot ends up hiding in the trees. Of course every one decorates the plac e with bright red, green, gold, and silvery Christmas ornaments. We have a 5 foot tall inflatable Santa. Standing next to Santa are two 3 feet tall elves, all dress in pass green and red, with their pointy green elf shoes and red jingle doorbell hats.The most famous reindeer of all Rudolph the Red nozzle reindeer stands with Santa and his elves. One thing that is unmistakable about a real Christmas tree lot is the smell of fresh cut fir trees. One thing you can not wedge away from on our Christmas tree lot is the music. As I sit and write this essay, I am earshot to Bing Crosby singing Ill be home for Christmas over the loud speakers outside the trailer. On our tree lot there is always Christmas music playing. From Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, to The Little Drummer Boy, Christmas music is playing from open to close.To be honest, we all get a little tired of it near the end of the season, but for our customers, it would just not be the same experience with out hot orchard a pple tree cider and Christmas Carols. I can not count the number of clock I caught myself humming Im Dreaming of a White Christmas In July. other sound you hear on the lot all the time is the sound of joke. Children dart between the rows(even though we tell them to walk for their safety) and giggle when they get found by their siblings and parents. For the most part, a Christmas Tree lot is the happiest place on Earth.There is something about the experience that just lends itself to good cheer. This is the one time of year Mom gets to be as picky as she wants, while Dad just sits back and says Yes dear it is a beautiful tree, I think the your mother is going to love it. Of course Dad always glances at me, rolls his eyes and shrugs as if to say What can I do? Its Christmas Almost everyone who comes on the tree lot comments on the fresh smell of suffer, and how wonderful it is. What most people realize is there is no pine on our tree lot. All of our trees are Firs.We have Noble Fir, Douglas Fir, and marvelous Fir and each has a distinctive smell. The noble fir smells like a traditional Christmas tree. The Noble fir smell is the smell most people relate to Christmas trees. The smell of our Douglas Firs is overpowered by the Noble and aureate firs on the lot, but when you take them home they can really perk up your lace with the smell of Christmas. My favorite tree for smell is the Grand Firs. The Grand fir has a vibrant green needle with a silver gray back. The grand fir has a powerful and pungent oil, and it has a vibrant smell that is unmatched by any other remain tree I have experienced.Just rubbing a branch on your skin or clothes can leaving you smelling zippy for hours. Working on a Christmas tree lot is a plaguy business, but I have come home from many some other job smelling much worse than I do at the end of a long day on the lot. The sights and smells of Christmas come and go, but the music stays with me the whole year round. Christmas is on e time of year that brings families separated by states and nations back together even if only for a short time, and the Christmas Tree Lot seems to be one experience they all seem to agree is positive and fun.From the delicious cinnamon spiced hot apple cider, the pungent aroma of fresh cut fir trees, and the joyous laughter of a game of hide and seek in the trees, a name to the tree lot is loved and remembered by all. Come visit us, and I bet you will find yourself humming Jingle Bells or cheer to the World all the way home. Whatever you do, dont forget to grab a red and white stripped peppermint candy cane on your way out.

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