
Thursday, March 14, 2019

Semiotics and Instructional Technology Essay -- Signs Writing Symbols

semiology and Instructional Technology AbstractThe affair of my paper is to define and argue semiotics and relate it to instructional technology.Discussing Semiotics Huyghe says that if you are a semiologist, then you study systems of signs (Huyghe, 1993, p.1). This area of discussion evict cover a broad range of topics from hieroglyphic writing to Masks and the semiotics of identity. In semiotic terms, an icon is a variety of sign that bears a resemblance to its object a diagram, for example, is an icon of that which the diagram represents (Pollock, 1995, p. 1). In Bourland-Davis article, she draws from Johnson and Hackman to discuss semiotics as a form of symbolic communication (Bourland-Davis, 1998, p. 2). In Bourland-Davis article (Bourland-Davis, p. 2), Johnson and Hackman state that human (symbolic) communication generates new and relevant combinations of associations of be elements (materials, words, ideas, facts, sounds, movements, colors, lines, mathematical notati ons, procedures, etc.) through lateral (divergent) thinking (as cited in Johnson and Hackman, 1995, p.15). Sometimes the most effective way to represent an abstract problem is by victimisation symbols, as students learn to do in high-school algebra (Matlin, 1998, p. 347). Often by comparing an idea to an object that can be symbolically related somehow, the aim of understanding is increased, and then that object can later be employ as a trigger mechanism for recalling the specifics of that concept (Matlin, 1998, p. 351). a optic image can let us escape from the boundaries of traditional representations. At the same time, however, the visual image is somewhat concrete it serves as a symbol for a theory that has not yet bee... ...of identity. Journal of the olympian Anthropological Institute Vol. 1 (pp. 581-597). Scott, Robert Ian. (1995). Messages and meanings An essay/review Messages and Meanings An introduction to semiotics by Marcel Danesi. Et Cetera Vol. 52 (pp. 482- 486). Winn, William. Toward a rationale and theoretical hindquarters for educational technology. ETR&D Vol. 37 (pp. 35-46). Zenger, Weldon F. & Zenger, Sharon K. (1999). Schools and curricula for the 21st century Predictions, visions and anticipations. NASSP Bulletin Vol. 83 (pp. 49-60).Textbooks Used Anglin, Gary J. (1995). Instructional Technology Past, Present and Future. (2nd ed.). In Barbara L. Grabowski, Message forge Issues and Trends. (pp. 222-225). Colorado Libraries Unlimited, Inc. Matlin, Margaret W. (1998). Cognition. (4th ed.). Texas Harcourt Brace College Publishers.

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