
Saturday, March 9, 2019

Anne Hathaway

Anne Hathaway by Carol Ann Duffy, the current poet laureate, is a strikingly poignant verse form. It is in the persona of Anne Hathaway, Shakespeares wife, and is perceived to be the opinion of what she thinks about when she is left the second best bed in his will. The praise explores the loss tangle by Hathaway as she grieves for her husband. Throughout the verse form Duffy effectively uses poetic techniques to explore the nip of loss felt by Hathaway as she is now a widow. The sonnet form allows Duffy the opportunity to treat the perception of loss as it highlights the grief felt by Hathaway perfectly.The call of the song is interesting as it directly quotes from Shakespeares will spot I gyve unto my wife. Using the sonnet form effectively allows the face of loss to flow through the poem. Duffy emphasises the words living laughing cognise by putting stresses on them. This highlights the liveing of loss that she has for her dead husband. Duffy wrote the poem in the pers ona of Anne Hathaway provided did not follow the rules of the sonnet form. If Duffy followed the rules of the sonnet form then the work rhyme would fall on a stress but it doesnt and this illustrates the flow of the emotion of loss.Duffy describes the bed that Hathaway and Shakespeare make drive in in as a Spinning world. This gives the subject of it being magical and evoke. Duffy uses metaphors such as forests to indicate the fantasy that they dual-lane as it is no overnight there and now there is single the feeling of loss. Duffy uses the words my lovers words and this instantly illustrates the feeling of loss because Hathaway would never be able to hear him speak to her once again during romance. Enjambment is effectively used to convey the spilling over of emotions of loss felt by Hathaway as she remembers the romance and the kisses they shared.Duffy creates the theme that there relationship was bright, exciting and out of this world by using the words shooting stars. Duffy reinforces the emotion of loss felt by Hathaway with the words these lips. This highlights the accompaniment that they will never be able to share the magical times they had together again. Duffy does not always stick to the iambic pentameter such as when it comes to the word kisses. This highlights the fact that these are personal and they will never be able to do this again so creating the feeling of loss for her husband.Duffy makes a reference to literature to create the idea that they were made for each opposite. She uses the words a verb spring in the centre of a noun. This highlights the fact she will never be able to feel like this with anyone else because Shakespeare was the verb and she was the noun. The poet uses senses to reinforce the importance of the shared experiences Hathaway and Shakespeare had together. Duffy uses the vocabulary by touch, by scent, by taste. This brings their relationship to life and reinforces the idea that they wont be able to share t his romance again.Although other people sleep in the best bed they will never be able to reach the same level of earnestness and romance that Hathaway and Shakespeare shared. Now that Shakespeare is no longer there Hathaway herself will no longer be able to reach the same level of romance and excitement in that bed. The poignant use of alliteration my living laughing love heightens the reviewers understanding of the emotion of loss felt by Hathaway as it makes the reader realise that she is sad at the death of her husband.In the beginning the poem talks about the bed that they shared and where exciting and magical happened but at the end it tells us of the bed where she was held. This instantly makes the reader feel sad as Hathaway has to deal with the emotion of loss and grief. Throughout the poem Duffy effectively creates the emotion of loss. The emotion of loss is illustrated through the bed that they shared and where all the magical and exciting moments happened. This creates t he emotion of loss because she will no longer be able to relive those moments but instead save has the memories of them and the loss of her husband.

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