
Friday, February 22, 2019

Comparison some Theories of Motivation Essay

What is demand? People atomic number 18 motivated when they want to do slightlything and make progress. miscellaneous motives range from conscious to unconscious ar necessary for march however non sufficient in themselves, hence we must(prenominal) judge a persons motives from their overt actions(John Adair199619). Motives dont al federal agencys chequer with reasons for actions. Motivation also means extending to moving other slew to action (J. Adair199619) and covers the reasons which underlie the way in which a person act (J. Adair19901). Who motivates good deal? What makes them tick? Why do you do whatsoeverthing? This is a subject of ever-living fascination.It is especially central for anyone who prepares with other people to think around this question in some depth. Perhaps the first-class honours degree step to answering these questions is to explore the central concept of motive. Motivation is the word referring the reason of act in a particular behavi or, especially mankind behavior as studied in psychology and neuropsychology. The main focus of the essay is to explore Maslow s (after Freud and Jung) Hierarchy of Needs. His idea will be compared with those of Friderick Hertzbergs hypothesis of Hygiene and F. W. Taylors Theory of Motivation.Perhaps, there is no scheme of motivation which has been as much influential on the thinking of managers as an Abraham Maslow s hierarchy of necessitate. A person is motivated by an inner course of study of demands which are arranged in sets and it proposes that external motives such as rewards or punishment are non a factors of motivation. Because a con grad to need ceases to motivate when one set is fit, automatically, another comes into play ( J. Adair199630). move from the work of Maslow makes the point that needfully are organized on a priority basis ( J. Adair19907). This fairly definite hierarchy is arranged by the basic take (A.H. Maslow198756). But, pot human necessaril y be mapped? Does the rapture of one set of conscious postulate trigger off into sense another set of previously unconscious needs? ( J. Adair199630) A footsure answer on this question is offered by Abraham Maslow Man is a missing animal and rarely reaches a state of complete satisfaction take out for a short time. As one desire is satisfied, another pops up to take its place. When this is satisfied, still another comes into the foreground. It is characteristic of the human being passim his whole life that he is practically always desiring something.We are confront then with the necessity of studying the relationships of all the motivations to each other and we are concomitantly faced with the necessity of giving up the motivational units in closing off if we are to achieve the broad understanding that we seek for (A. H. Maslow198734). Maslow s needs hierarchy identifies five sets of needs from the closely biological to the most mental (1) physiologic ( such as hunger-thir st ), (2) safety and security, (3) love and belongingness, (4) ego-esteem ( achievement, lore ), (5) self-fruition ( reaching ones highest potential ) (R. C.Beck2000400). These sets are organized into a hierarchy of relative prepotency and are in a dynamic relationship. A concept of physiological needs feed been taken as the starting point for motivational possible action. Basic needs become relatively satisfied where the high needs come to the fore and become motivating influences because For our inveterate and extremely hungry man, utopia arouse be defined very just now as a place where there is plenty of food (G. P. Latham200731). When this need is met then At once other (and higher) needs put out and these, rather than physiological hungers, dominate the organism (G.P. Latham200731), thus the physiological needs are the most prepotent of all needs (J. Adair199035). Although the physiological needs are relatively well satisfied, unsatisfied need, like safety, love, self -esteem needs, emerges to dominate the organism. Maslow suggest that we may still oft (if not always) expect that a tonic discontent and restlessness will soon develop, unless the individual is doing what he or she, individually, is fitted for. Musicians must make music, artists must paint, poets must write if they are to be ultimately at peace with themselves. What humans can be, they must be.They must be true to their own nature. This need we may call self-actualization (A. H. Maslow198722). Self-actualization needs usually rests upon prior satisfaction of the physiological, safety, love and esteem needs (J. Adair199038). Maslow meant by self actualization a universal urge in any person to grow and develop as a full human person, realizing all the distinctively human potentials within us( J. Adair199645). The essence of Maslow s theory is that the needs lower in the hierarchy have to be at least partly fulfilled before the highest needs self-actualization needs become active. This theory has some limited value when this set of motive happens, then this of that factor will become important (J. Adair199642). In industrial spot, Maslow s theory sometimes seems to make sense. For example lower aim workers are more motivated by capital which are necessitate for food and shelter and seem to not be much motivated to work creatively in their affairs. At higher take aims, self actualization seems more important and there may be more fortune for self expression. It is interesting to compare, how does Herzberg s motivator-Hygiene Theory relate toMaslow s theory of a Hierarchy of Needs? Clearly they both share in common the concept of self actualization. Herzberg s theory suggests that motivators and satisfiers are some aspects of a chisel which allow people to satisfy higher level needs (R. C. Beck2000400). Herzberg argued that people want more from their jobs than pay, such as recognition, responsibility, feelings of achievement, joyfulness from soci al interactions, prestige, stimulation, and challenge (R. C. Beck2000400). These self actualizing properties are included to the growth proportionality of a job.Absence of some job elements is noticeable and produce dissatisfaction in external conditions administration, supervising, working conditions, relations with others, job security and status. Satisfaction of supra needs is called Hygiene factors and was linked by Herzberg with human tendency to forfend painful or unpleasant situations. Although dissatisfaction may lower performance this sanitary measures will not visibly improve performance(R. C. Beck2000400). All hygiene needs are connected with salary and, because of this, salary is the most visible, communicable and announce factor in all the world of work.Salary permeates the thoughts and expressions of people when they guess their jobs. In such a circumstance, it is hardly surprising that salary often seems to be a satisfier to the individual. If so many hygiene ne eds can be fulfilled by money, then it is difficult not to mean of it as a source of happiness(J. Adair199057). The need for creativity is fitted by motivators. The hygiene factors satisfy the need for fair treatment, and it is thus that the desired job attitude and job performance is achieved by presenting the appropriate motivator (J. Adair199677).Herzberg in The Motivation to Work discusses about Maslow s theory as a brief and unsatisfactory and does not agree that the predominant needs of individuals faculty change and develop, rather than being seen as relatively fixed and invariant (J. Adair199055). In contrast to the predominantly holistic bias of Maslow s mind, Herzberg s approach is dichotomized into two. In Maslow s theory, if physiological, safety and social needs were not met it might create dissatisfaction, but according to Herzberg is possible to afford satisfaction by these needs.By contrast, more positive sense of satisfaction needs could lead to the meeting of esteem and self actualization or professed(prenominal) growth. These two approaches of Maslow and Herzberg could be reconciled. (J. Adair199678) Moreover, the absence of a potential for self actualizing progress, in Herzberg s theory, can not create conscious dissatisfaction, thus did Herzberg all develop the hint in Maslow that a poor model for the higher needs in the hierarchy are formed by the physiological needs?To follow a topic, an individuals internal judge of satisfiers and dissatisfiers might reflect to personality development, which means progress in refreshing the hierarchy of basic needs, is also accepted by Herzberg. Allowing for the respective skilful biases of the two psychologists as well as for the application to the work situation in particular, concluding, the similarities between the approaches of Maslow and Herzberg outweigh their dissimilarities (J. Adair199056).The most interesting could become a comparison Maslow s and Herzberg s theories with Frideric k W. Taylors, the American engineer, Theory of Motivation (J. Adair1996119). Although Maslow s and Herzberg s theories, as psychologists, are based upon some sort of semiempirical evidence, however both of them openly confess to propagating and holding certain philosophic assumptions about the nature of man (J. Adair199065). In turn, F. W. Taylor, the father of scientific management, is attribute with dehumanizing factories, making men into automatons (M.Smith200734).Barber and Bretz (2000) certified that the most important factors why people choising a job and take into account in seeking and accepting a job offer, is a salary(G. P. Latham200799). But does it have an influence on effort and persistence and to what extent? Taylor (1911) claimed that in the first quarter of the 20th century, there was concluded by engineers, that the primary inducement for engaging in efficient and effective behavior are money (G. P. Latham200799).The father of scientific management (1911) certi fied that if organization adopted scientific management, this would be a mental revolution between workers behaviours, relations and chance toward employers (G. P. Latham200711). There is four Taylors principles offering to workers a monetary incentive training and development the workers following by scientific selection democratically division of work between workers, foreshadowing goals to workers(G. P. Latham200712).Taylor (1911) claimed that following this principles give a revolutionary outcome, employers and employees are able to see that satisfaction money can be made without procedure to quarrel (G. P. Latham200712). Moreover, paying substantial bonuses by employers to employees for efficiently and effectively achieved goal, is the way to satisfied workers (G. P. Latham200712). Herzberg s theory establishes to Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs does not follow Taylors attitudes. Moreover, Herzberg put in the lead a hypothesis that job can affect a persons mental health and caus e long term strong-arm health problem.Although, Herzberg (1966) certified that money could have opposed effect on job dissatisfaction, do not have effect on job satisfaction(G. P. Latham200799). Concluding, If F. W. Taylor was the equivalent of Hobbes in industry, then Herzberg stands firmly in the tradition of Locke(J. Adair199073). In summary, there is a lot of theories what motivates people toward certain actions. One, probably the most influential on managers, Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs, sensible and interesting, was made up with the human experience.This American Physiologist worked very hard to find that for the first time people satisfy basic needs before even thinking of satisfying more complex needs. As Maslow theory was made through the human experience as Herzberg s Theory of Hygiene as well. Similarities between these two theories outweigh their dissimilarities. Making a survey, Herzberg investigated what people wish or disliked about their jobs. One of Herzberg s Hyg iene Factors is pay. As contrasted with Taylor s attitudes about job satisfaction, Herzberg certified that money do not have effect on job satisfaction.In Taylor views, just wage is motivated for workers and satisfaction money can be made without occasion to quarrel. In conclusion, there is even more that Maslow s, Herzberg s or Taylor s theories what is motivation and who motivates people or what makes them tick and why do they do anything. But Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs clearly and since the beginning, help us all be more understanding of others around us. This theory is normally drawn as a triangle, because the author believed that it showed what people wanted form the job.Everybody start at the bottom and then work their way up, to the top, to self actualization. But different people have different needs, moreover people are not fit in the same pattern. That makes Maslow s theory not perfect. Although that many great physiologists tried to find the best theory of motivation, a lthough that most of managers are based on these theories, although that one must work hard to obtain willful goal and raises knowledge along the way to success, these all theories do not negate the fact that nowadays, nepotism plays a conspicuous role in the employment stakes.Bibliography 1. Adair, J (1990) Understanding motivation, The Talbot Adair Press, Surrey, 2. Adair, J (1996) Effective motivation, Pan Books, London, 3. Beck R. C (2000) Motivation Theories and Principles, Pearson Education, Inc. , New Jersey, 4. Latham G. P (2007) Work Motivation, Sage Publication, USA, 5. Maslow A. H (1987) Motivation and Personality, harpist & Row, New York, 6. Smith M. ( 2007) Fundamentals of management, McGraw Hill Education, Berkshire. (2085 words)

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